Evon Theresa

I started my career in Minnesota, doing design, photography, nonprofit arts marketing, recording studio production work, and nursing assistant healthcare. I moved to NYC 15 years ago and began teaching in Brooklyn public schools.

Teaching special education in public and charter schools is challenging and exciting work. You have to bring all your energy and enthusiasm every day. I love working directly with people, not just at a computer, but I chose to continue my career developing educational experiences that can reach far more learners than in a single classroom.

Most recently at Ascend Learning, where I started in 2018, I’ve been able to expand my reach, working on nursing and allied health trainings that reach the majority of nursing students nationwide. I specialize in creating characters, coaches, and narrative experiences that bring a human voice and personality to the training. These experiences aren’t just about ideal situations and perfect patients, they’re about challenging conversations and how to choose what to do when something goes wrong.

Masters of Science for Teachers, BA Anthropology
Based in Brooklyn, NY
Euphrates, The Bruce, and Radish
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